Thursday, October 2, 2008

The road back

So how can conservatives make some solid rejoinders to the left in this campaign season?
How can we counterattack against the liberals right now?
Here's some ideas:
First--Obama and co. say the current financial mess is due to "de-regulation", that it's all because Republicans wanted markets to "run free" and let them "run wild."
On, no it isn't, as Jim Geraghty points out today:

"This is one of the areas that Team McCain has to thoroughly and relentlessly refute: That the market wasn't running free; the government, through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, loaned billions of dollars to people you wouldn't loan $200 to because you didn't trust them to pay it back. Then, through the Community Reinvestment Act, they punished banks that didn't make enough loans to people who do not have the credit, assets, income, or down payment to qualify for a normal mortgage, a.k.a. the subprime market. No one in their right minds loans money to somebody who they think won't pay it back. But the government said banks had to, for reasons of "fairness". We have to pound these points into the public consciousness, or else we're going to make the exact same mistake again, not too far down the road."

Exactly. And conservatives (along with, hopefully, the McCain camp) need to remind everyone about the energy situation, and that we need to drill, and build more nuclear power plants. We need too to pound home the idea that spending at the federal level must be cut. That Obama's judgment concerning Iraq has been WRONG. And so forth.