Friday, October 17, 2008

Michigan U.S. Senate race

I know, you've heard nothing of it. That's because the GOP has basically conceded it, running an unknown state senator, Jack Hoogendyk, against the powerful, well-known Carl Levin, who's seen as unstoppable.

And you know, I'm sure the political observer quoted in the article was right when he said:

"For Carl Levin, it's once again a noncompetitive race," said Craig Ruff, senior fellow at Public Sector Consultants, a Lansing-based nonpartisan public policy think tank. "Levin is more liberal than the people he represents and yet he has endeared himself to Democrats and independents and no small number of Republicans who seem to be proud to have him in the Senate because of his heft."

People don't agree with Levin; but they want him in the senate because he's famous and has "heft."

I know people who think that way when they vote for a candidate. And it's sad.