Saturday, October 25, 2008

Liberalism watch: taxes

The Washington Post says Senator Obama is winning the debate over taxes. But how is he winning it?:

"For the first time in decades, Democrats appear to have the upper
hand in the debate over taxes. Independent analysts estimate that only
a small fraction of small-business owners would see their taxes
increase under Obama's plan, and polls show that voters are beginning
to accept Obama's argument that more Americans would see their taxes
cut under his proposals. Even some Republicans said they worry that
Obama has more than neutralized a signature GOP issue with the promise
of a tax cut for middle-class Americans."

Which actually is a great point for conservatives.
Once again, we see a great masquerade ball--the only way for Obama to
win is for he and his running mate to disguise themselves as
conservatives and pretend to run to McCain's right on this issue.

I guarantee, if Obama gets elected--we must remind him of this
95%-of Americans-will-get-a-tax-cut promise every single day.
And if he gets elected and then breaks
this promise, as Bill Clinton did after he broke his middle-class-tax
cut promise after 1992, as I expect Obama would break this one, we
will hammer him on it every single day. And use it to defeat him.