Friday, October 3, 2008

Last night's debate

O, ye of little faith:

"Republican Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, boosted her standing with women during Thursday night’s vice presidential debate, surprising critics and reassuring fans, according to an early survey of voter views."


"Both presidential campaigns hit the trail Friday claiming victory in the vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin, but it was Palin's cool and confident performance that prompted analysts to suggest that after more than a week of bad news for Republicans, John McCain can ride a new wind into the final month of the race....McCain's spirits were notably lifted Friday. "Viva la Barracuda!" he said at a rally in Pueblo, Colo., referencing Palin's nickname as he pointed out a sign in the crowd...."You know, I almost felt a little sorry last night for my old friend Joe Biden," he said. Palin pulled off a bravura performance, say analysts. "Sarah Palin saved John McCain again Thursday night. She is the political equivalent of cardiac paddles," conservative columnist Peggy Noonan, who was caught criticizing Palin in an off-camera moment in early September, wrote in The Wall Street Journal."

And by the way, now two national polls out today show the race tightening a bit. Hmmm...