Some claim the "heat is on" for the McCain/Palin ticket:
"McCain's campaign has been trying to tamp down questions about whether the Arizona senator adequately researched his surprise vice presidential selection or whether he chose the first-term governor without fully looking into her background."
Well, let's see what the controversy is about. So Bristol Palin is pregnant. This has happened in a lot of very good families. The key: are the Palins living up to their ideals? I say they are. Are they painting teen pregnancy as an acceptable lifestyle choice? No--they're pointing out that their daughter will have to grow up much faster than they'd like. But of course they'll love and support her. Are they going to have their daughter shack up with her boyfriend? No; the two are going to get married, to provide a stable home for the baby. Did they rush to get their daughter an abortion? No, of course not; she'll have the baby.
The "Troopergate" thing? There's no evidence of wrongdoing.
Todd Palin's 1986 DUI? Please--need we go back to Barack Obama's own autobiography, and examine his confession of past drug use?
McCain and Palin should stand firm. And it appears they are.