So went an AP report today. Of course, the reporter also hastened to add that some will denounce the GOP as hypocrites, asking where they were during the past 8 years of the Bush administration.
But John Boehner, as quoted in the article, had the right answer:
"Standing on principle and doing the right things for the right reasons, on behalf of your constituents, will never get you in trouble," he said."
He's right. Let's hold to that.
But of course, not all Republicans are--as the NY Times reports today, too many Republican governors seem to be buying in to Democrat rhetoric on this bill:
“Whether it’s teachers or people on road crews helping our infrastructure, those in the health care arena as it might relate to Medicaid, all of these areas are important, all of them can produce jobs,” [Republican Governor of Florida] Mr. Crist said, adding, “Regardless of what your party is, Republican or Democrat, it really doesn’t matter. We have a duty and an obligation to the people who elected us, no matter what our position happens to be, to work together to get through this thing.”
Amity Shlaes needs to explain to him the problems with expecting this bill to provide all the jobs he expects...