She of course is bashing the Bush administration:
She claims that the Bush era will go down as one of "the worst presidencies in history." She adds:
“The final big set of issues has to do with that bundle of global warming, climate change, and energy issues,” Albright said. “Now if you look at those issues, it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know that they are the kind of issues that require international cooperation, which means the next president has to have a different style – has to have the capability of dealing with other countries and being interested actually, in what their national interest is and in listening.”
Well, let's see now. For how many months, back in 2003, did the Bush administration work with the UN Security Council to get authorization for its operations vs Irag? How long have we worked with the British on Iraq? What is Bush doing right now in the Middle East? I'm sick of this "Bush bunker mentality"/"he won't negotiate with anybody" nonsense that's out there--which exists largely because what Bush REALLY refused to do was to bow to the wishes of those on the other side of the political aisle in this country, along with their favorite liberal foreign leaders.