Against Obama, of course. Yet Hillary paints herself as the victim, as Matt Bai points out in today's NY Times:
"What’s most confounding about this latest turn into ugliness, though, is the Clintons’ remarkable capacity to cast themselves as the victims in every fight. And so here is Hillary Rodham Clinton accusing Barack Obama of somehow injecting race into the campaign, because she found herself in a world of trouble for her own comments about Martin Luther King and Lyndon Johnson. Now, I really do think she was intending only to make a sensible point about the value of experience in the White House, but look, the Clintons embody the generation that invented identity politics and political correctness. If Mrs. Clinton couldn’t guess at how that comment was going to land in the black community, then she must have been suffering amnesia."
Not that this should surprise us--the Clintons play rough. Prediction: this, however, will not play well in the black community. Obama to win South Carolina (with more to come).