A round of applause, please, for Michigan's 36th District Court Judge Ronald Giles, who ordered embattled (and corrupt) Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to jail for (again) violating his bond, saying:
"I don't in any way claim to have a good understanding of what your responsibilities are and what you do," he said. "I do understand you have to be under a tremendous amount of pressure and how that can affect you. But I have to look at how the system is run and is perceived by the public....I don't care what the media says about me. I really don't. I never have. I try to do what I think is right and fair...In this case, in the beginning, you were given every privilege that could be given to you in regards to travel, totally unrestricted initially. (Later) I felt you were abusing the privilege, and I modified the bond....If it was not Kwame Kilpatrick sitting in that seat, if it was John Six-Pack sitting in the seat, what would I do? That answers something. So I go back to my original, 'Keep it simple.'...That's what I have to do ... the court is revoking your bond, that all travel be suspended, and two, that you to be remanded to Wayne County Jail."
Good for him. Time for Mayor Kilpatrick, meanwhile, to resign.