The NY Times Nick Kristof thinks he has just the prescription for the Obama administration concerning Russia:
"Because Russia behaves irresponsibly — including its latest disgraceful threat to base missiles near Poland — the temptation in the Obama administration will be to continue with NATO expansion and perhaps even with the ill-advised missile system for Europe. (We have so many better ways to spend money!) Instead, let’s engage Russia as we engage China — while still bluntly calling Russia on its uncivilized behavior. Poking badly behaved bears is no substitute for sober diplomacy."
Hmmm. So take very little concrete action towards Russia that proves we mean business.
Instead, the goal of our policy is to be "engagement." Diplomacy--to accomplish what exactly? And talking and "engagement" and "diplomacy" in and of itself is no policy whatsoever, and surely Kristof must know that. And will Russia really "engage" with them if we continue to call them "bluntly" on their behavior? No--which makes it likely we'd stop being "blunt" with Russia, too.
Yes, boy, there's a strong policy of which to be proud. Oh, and by the way, Kristof basically wants us to withdraw our support for Georgia, too. Read the whole piece--and pray that his liberalism doesn't run rampant in the foggy bottom of Obama's State Department.