So Republicans are excited over the chance to attack Barack Obama over his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and his anti-American sermons.
You know, in my view, conservatives and Republicans make a mistake in making a huge, huge deal about Obama's pastor.
Yes, Wright is a radical, anti-American fool.
But the fact is, Wright said "God damn America" and all the other stuff.
Obama didn't say that stuff and I don't think he buys into any of it.
There are plenty of things on which to make principled, issue-based critiques, and serious ones, vs Obama. He's wrong on Iraq and on terrorism in general. When it comes to domestic policy, were he to actually try to implement all of his spending and programmatic promises made so far in the campaign, he'd have to increase government spending by hundreds of billions of dollars. And he's foolish to suggest that he'd meet with dictators like Chavez or Ahmadinejad with basically no preconditions.
Let's attack on him on those issue-oriented, principled grounds; not on the basis of what somebody else who, let's face it, doesn't have a huge role in Obama's campaign. Obama showed poor judgment, I suppose, in not distancing himself from Wright decisively far before this, but I hardly think this is the biggest issue facing us. A far bigger issue is what Obama would do in regard to America's enemies overseas. We should focus on that.