Thursday, November 15, 2007


An e-mailer, my friend Dan, sends me a link to this blog entry: "Well, there’s leadership for you. On September 9th, the Democrats held a bilingual Panderfest hosted by Univision. Now, nearly all the Republican candidates have cravenly agreed to do the same. Yes, that’s right, according to the Miami Herald and Washington Times, 7 candidates–Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Duncan Hunter and Ron Paul have agreed to further balkanize our country by pandering to Univision, on December 9th. Shame on all 7 of them.
Tom Tancredo, however, refuses to participate. Good for Tom. At least one candidate understands what’s going on."

Well, I tend to agree. I'm not quite as outraged as is the blogger--unfortunately, this kind of pandering is what politicians as a class tend to do, and too often Republicans are afraid to challenge reigning political correctness (after all, the NY Times might criticize them. Horrors!)

I suppose it's possible that Republicans could pick up a few votes among the folks likely to watch a debate on Univision. But I doubt it. And that may be the most important problem with this--it's probably a waste of time, and no politicians, especially Republicans in the challenging political year of '08, can afford to waste time.