There was an odd thing yesterday---many on conservative blogs, such as National Review Online and the like, disagreed with the conclusions of much of the mainstream media. The MSM unanimously said Senator Clinton bombed at the most recent debate. Some conservatives thought she won.
I disagree---she lost. The kind of wandering, trying-to-mislead answer she gave on the driver's licenses/illegal immigration issue is the main story that came out of that debate, and that's not good for Hillary. Today, we continue to see evidence of this. See for example her campaign in spin/damage control mode; see them blaming Tim Russert for her failures. From a campaign conference call with supporters: "One caller from Oklahoma City said that “the questions … were designed to incite a brawl,” and that Russert’s and Brian Williams’s moderating was “an abdication of journalistic responsibility.”Another said Russert “should be shot,” before quickly adding that she shouldn’t say that on a conference call."
Blame the media. Pretty old shtick--good luck with it.