Or, Michael Ledeen rightly suggests that the Democrats' suggestion that they will improve our standing with our allies if only they get the White House is spit in those allies' face: "Unable to deal with serious questions, they unload on the weak and the distant. First, led by that great buffoon Joe Biden, they decide to declare their desire for the partition of Iraq, thereby delivering a mouthful of spittle into the face of our ally. Then, looking about desperately for some other Middle Eastern ally to insult, they find the Turks, and SPLAT-O! They denounce the whole country for the massacre of Armenians a hundred years ago. Another triumph of statecraft over the idiocies of Cowboy W. There's one other democracy in the region that needs a few insults, and that would be Israel. Hang on, there's still a working day in Washington this week...And these guys want the White House? On the grounds that they will have happier relations with the world at large? Bwaaaaahahaha."
Good points. I'd add that demanding a bugout from Iraq won't exactly encourage our other allies to have faith that we will stand by them when crises come, either.