Friday, May 9, 2008

Obstacles for John McCain... campaigning this fall vs Barack Obama. Victor Davis Hanson points them out today:

"Almost imperceptibly to the McCain campaign, I think Obama has already established quite new messianic rules of engagement that will be difficult to overturn: he talks about supposedly illiberal Pennsylvanians as a racial group or quips “typical white person”, associates with the racist Wright, and counts on a solid base that votes 90 percent along racial lines, and you are a racist for being disturbed by that Manichaeism. He talks of hope/change, new politics, unity, and bipartisanship and you are cynical and hateful for not buying it and instead worrying that he has a serial propensity for distortion (“100 years”) and invective (“lost his bearings”)."

Obama has gotten very good at dismissing most criticisms of his policy ideas as somehow "old"--old politics, old Washington games, etc etc. And don't think that will stop, not when Obama is running against a 72-year-old John McCain; that was one of the reasons I thought Republicans should be very wary about nominating Mr. McCain. Too late now...