There's more success there than many people think, and we should thank the U.S. servicemen and women who are helping to make it happen:
"The men and women in the military know their fellow citizens are grateful to them. Many of them say, though, that they’re not confident their countrymen are aware of what they’re accomplishing. Gen. David Petraeus testified Thursday before the Senate Armed Services Committee. He noted that the number of security incidents in Iraq in the past week had fallen to the lowest level in over four years. And he held out the prospect, despite “tough fights and hard work” that lie ahead, of “an Iraq that is at peace with itself and its neighbors, that is an ally in the war on terror, that has a government that serves all Iraqis.” Meanwhile, political progress in Iraq has picked up, and provincial elections will likely occur before the end of the year. From Basra in the south to Mosul in the north, the overall situation has improved more than anyone thought possible even a few months ago — let alone a year and a half ago, when President Bush ordered the surge of forces, and Petraeus, Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno and Ambassador Ryan Crocker began implementing the new counterinsurgency strategy."
Read the whole piece.