Good roundup here. Note especially: first, remember, the victim here is a British woman. So, National Organization of Women, where art thou? "When asked by FOX News for a comment about the situation, a National Organization for Women spokeswoman said they were "not putting out a statement or taking a position."
And then there was Whoopi Goldberg's blame-the-victim stance on "The View":
"WHOOPI GOLDBERG: You’d think if you’re going overseas, I mean, we had this discussion yesterday about people coming to America and learning the customs and knowing what is cool, and what isn’t cool. But I find that maybe we are not- and I say we just as European and American, we’re not as anxious to learn the customs before we go places. It’s just one of the reasons we’re called the ugly Americans."
Well, but of course, there is really no law or custom on what you can and cannot name teddy bears in the Sudan...and in any case, it wasn't this school teacher who named this bear anything! It was a presumably Muslim child in her class who named him!!