Cuz it's all about how you look: "Madonna reportedly practices three hours of yoga a day, Gwyneth Paltrow swears by a macrobiotic diet consisting of mostly grains and uncooked vegetables and now Hilary Swank says she pops nearly 45 pills a day to maintain her celebrity physique. .."This is my Aloe C, which I dissolve in water," Swank told the magazine, reportedly wielding a large orange pill. "Here's my flax. This one's for my immune system, and this one is my BrainWave. It's great, like if I have a lot of lines to memorize."
Who helps her with this? "Garcia, a Manhattan-based self-described "life extension specialist" and often dubbed "nutritionist to the stars," says supplements are a necessity in today's high-pressure world, especially for his celebrity clients....Garcia, who talks about his clients as if they are delicately balanced engineering projects, says the purpose of his treatment is "stretching out the usable life of your body."
That's what worries you about Hollywood. People are not engineering projects. And they shouldn't be dumped and forgotten just because their abs aren't quite as tight as they used to be.