Friday, September 14, 2007

Rudy rolls out an ad...

...released on the web--you can find it here.
It's a bit long. But it's effective, criticizing Hillary Clinton for her attack on General Petraeus and her refusal to disavow the ad.
Giuliani is being smart in attacking Senator Clinton. First, he can say he's obeying the age-old Republican Eleventh Commandment--thou shalt not attack another Republican. So instead he attacks Hillary. Second, pointing out Mrs. Clinton's failures on this issue will appeal to the Republican base. And third, if in fact Senator Clinton will be the Democrats' nominee in 2008, there's no reason to wait in pointing out negatives about her.
Note too that Republicans have a lot of cover on this issue--why, even Elizabeth Edwards ripped MoveOn today. Quote: “Someone who’s spent their life in the military doesn’t deserve ‘General Betray Us,’” said Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards."

Although other polls show the Republican presidential race as very tight, meanwhile, the latest Fox News poll has Giuliani leading by 12 points.