Saturday, September 8, 2007

The mainstream media is at it again

Headline in today's Washington Post: "Petraeus Disappointed At Political State of Iraq."
Oh, but look further, at the beginning of the piece: "In a preview of his report to Congress next week, Gen. David H. Petraeus yesterday expressed disappointment in the lack of progress toward political reconciliation in Iraq. Administration officials said he wants to return to Washington for another assessment in six months to allow more time for Iraqi politics to catch up with what Petraeus regards as rapidly improving security conditions."

In other words, the main point here is that, even though Petraeus would have liked to have seen more political progress in Iraq, still he is not in favor of a rapid pullout, he thinks that the surge deserves more time to work, and he hints that things could improve in Iraq in six months (otherwise, why give it that six months?). This is far different from the negative headline given the story by the Post. Do those in the news media truly not realize that we can see through this kind of obvious bias?