Even when the McCain campaign doesn't mention race at all, it's all...about race:
"John Judis made the case that the McCain campaign's argument about "spreading
the wealth," "socialism," and "redistribution" is ultimately about race. The argument, Judis said, "is aimed ultimately at white working class undecided voters who would construe "spreading the wealth" as giving their money to blacks. It's the latest version of Reagan's 'welfare queen'
argument from 1980. It if it works, it won't be because most white
Americans actually oppose a progressive income tax, but because they fear
that Obama will inordinately favor blacks over them." I perceive the rhetoric the same way."
And if indeed Obama is elected, conservatives, look for any criticisms of his policies as president, whatever the criticisms are, to be slammed as "racist" then too.
Be ready for it. Don't be intimidated by it. And eventually, the American people will reject it.