Which means, not entirely honest and accurate.
See for example some of her comments on the most recent debate between she and Senator Obama.
Here she responds to the Obama campaign's criticism of some of the questions asked:
"Clinton said Friday that getting tough questions is part of what happens in a debate and campaign. "Having been in the White House for eight years and seeing what happens in terms of the pressures and the stresses on a president, that was nothing," she said."
Tsk. Of course, Obama and his campaign were not suggesting that the questions asked were too "tough." Rather, they've been suggesting that not enough important issues were raised, that there was too much discussion of the recent campaign tempests. One can certainly criticize Obama for his complaining here--certainly the Wright controversy and his comments on rural voters living in small towns raised larger issues that deserve to get covered in a debate.
Still, Mrs. Clinton is again (no surprise) mischaracterizing what her opponent is saying.