And perhaps the last.
Many reviews claim Hillary Clinton was the "winner" last night.
Myself, I saw it as a draw, with Obama parrying many of Clinton's predictable blasts.
And did anyone catch Hillary, when apologizing for the falsehood she spread about she and Chelsea supposedly landing in Bosnia under sniper fire in 1996, suggesting that next time she should "get more sleep" before telling such a story?
Wow. Note there that she borrowed the same tack that her husband tried to use a few days ago on that issue--claim it happened merely because the Senator was tired.
Yet when she related this anecdote the first time, it was in a speech given at 11 a.m. in the morning. She had plenty of time to wake up. Mrs. Clinton knows this. She knows further that her husband was slammed, rightly, for offering up the excuse that she was tired. Yet she just couldn't help herself. She had to try to peddle the false excuse, yet again.
Maybe a few out there would be snowed by it.
Hey--the Clintons snowed people for over 8 years, beginning in 1992.