Thursday, February 7, 2008

A lesson in reaching out to the Right

Ramesh Ponnuru over at NRO tries to pass along a lesson to the McCain camp:

"I had a similar reaction to Phil Gramm's comments in the Washington Post today. He suggested that McCain's critics are in it as much for their "ego and power" as their "principles." They're "going to hurt the party for a long time." Well, look, senator, your team has been saying for weeks that the critics are big nothings with no followings. You can't then turn around and appeal for their help on the theory that the fate of the republic hangs in the balance. Especially when your appeal for help is couched in insults."

More evidence of what a tough road Mr. McCain has in front of him.
Hey, don't feel bad for him--this is the result of years of McCain poking his finger in the eyes of conservatives.

UPDATE: on the other hand, many conservatives liked his speech at CPAC today.
I remain highly skeptical. But I agree wholeheartedly with this:

"This McCain speech would not have been given today, if it weren't for folks like Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Andy McCarthy, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham. Can I thank them on behalf of America?"