Found in another excellent column by Thomas Sowell:
"Just last month, the Times found yet another way to portray the troops as victims. They ran a very long article, beginning on the front page of the January 13th issue, about killings in the United States by combat veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. “In many of those cases,” it said, “combat trauma and the stress of deployment” were among the factors which “appear to have set the stage for a tragedy that was part destruction, part self-destruction.”
As with so many other things said by liberals, the big question that was not asked was: Compared to what? As the New York Post reported a couple of days later, the murder rate among returning military combat veterans is one-fifth that of civilians in the same age brackets. So much for “supporting the troops” by depicting them as victims."
Fundamental: analyzing statistics (especially those cited by the left) by asking "compared to what" is, indeed, crucial.