Monday, December 17, 2007

Global warming town criers who leave big carbon footprints dept

This time it's New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who's been loudly sounding the alarm concerning the danger of global warming lately: "Our correspondent notes Friedman's address and comments on his home outside Washington, D.C.: 'I lived within shouting distance of Friedman. Take a look at the carbon footprint this guy leaves. He lives on about seven acres -- it was once the home site of a prominent Washington attorney...The house sits on a hill with a great view and a western exposure. Friedman bought the house from the late lawyer's family about five years ago, tore down the huge older house and constructed an [over 11,000] square foot residence, with 7.5 bathrooms, on the hilltop. It is beautifully landscaped, as you can tell from the aerial/satellite photographs, and the foliage likely requires a lot of water. The property is listed on the tax rolls for [well over $9,000,000]. It makes me feel better that those who preach environmentalism practice such a modest intrusion on the environment itself.'
Of course, there's a lot of that going around these days. And we haven't yet had time yet to observe whether Friedman's raised consciousness will result in a reduction of his carbon footprint now that Friedman has been given to understand the end is nigh.

And don't forget how many writers on the other side of the aisle have complained about conservatives supposedly supporting a war in which they won't fight.