The political world is abuzz today over the resignations of two top staffers to the presidential candidacy of Senator John McCain; some details here. This, on top of the Arizona senator's relatively poor fundraising numbers and other staff layoffs announced recently, has some wondering if McCain is about to quit the campaign.
My prediction: don't bet on it. Remember the McCain temperament and personality. He's feisty, he's stubborn, he loves to go for broke and to do exactly what conventional wisdom would tell him not to do. At times, this has led him in my opinion into some unwise moves; it was stupid, not to mention suicidal, for him in 2000 to basically wage a frontal assault against religious conservatives; and this year's immigration bill didn't deserve McCain's stubborn support. Now, however, being down in the polls and already pronounced dead by some pundits, McCain will think he's got this situation right where he wants it. With nothing to lose, he can shoot from the hip and do whatever he wants; the revival of the Straight Talk Express, etc etc etc. You can hear it now. So he won't quit.
But he won't become the GOP nominee, either.