Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Favorite TV shows: Mondays/Tuesdays

I'm on vacation for a couple of days, so while I'm gone, let's ruminate on favorite TV shows.
Here's what I'm watching these days (when I'm not watching sports) on Mondays and Tuesdays:

1. ABC's "The Bachelor".
Jason seems like such a nice guy. You can't help but root for him.

2. ABC's "True Beauty".
Another one of those fun reality/competition shows--it catches persons with plenty of physical beauty showing off their oft-times lack of inner beauty.

3. CBS' "CSI Miami".
I know, David Caruso as Horatio Gates can seem a bit much.
But the plots are intricate, and often interest me--and sometimes Jerry Bruckheimer has an interesting way of bringing music into the episodes.

4. Fox' "American Idol."
The king of all reality/competition shows--and it's back for another run.