It's about the 2000 presidential election and the long battle over Florida.
NRO's Byron York saves you the trouble of watching it:
"I think the plot might best be described this way: Once upon a time there was an election. A very good man won the election, but it was really, really close, and a very bad man claimed that he had won the election. And a group of brave, strong people tried to recount the votes to prove that the very good man had won the election, but they were so high-minded and good that they just wouldn't fight dirty, while a group of cruel, mean people would do anything to stop the counting so that the very bad man could win. When the counting got under way, the very bad man's lead got smaller and smaller, and the very good man was about to win until a group of very, very, very bad people in Washington DC stopped it all, and the very bad man won. The end."
I think York is far too kind and cleans up the moviemakers' lingo a great deal. They would go far beyond calling George W. Bush a "very bad man."