Hmmm. So the junior Republican senator from Tennessee, Bob Corker, is angry at the state Republican Party. Seems the TN GOP dared to run an ad criticizing Michelle Obama for such things as stating earlier this year that she is "for the first time" proud to be an American. Corker echoes Senator Obama's plea to "lay off my wife."
Bah. Grow some fortitude, Senator Corker. Michelle Obama and her words are fair game. And you should know it. For one thing, she's out on the campaign trail daily, campaigning for her husband. Are you suggesting that someone is free to go out there and campaign, and yet their words are off-limits to scrutiny and criticism? There's also plenty of evidence that she and Obama think alike, that she has influence upon him. Are we to believe that someone close to a candidate, who may very well influence his thinking and decisions, is off-limits to criticism? Please.
Is there any avenue of criticism towards Senator Obama that will not cause him and supporters to throw temper tantrums? Last week there was President Bush's criticisms of appeasement; now this. And, worse, Republicans like Corker are supporting this nonsense. They should stop.