Meaning--how does she do in a hypothetical matchup with Ron Paul?
Well: "The Influence Peddler and Patrick Ruffini think yesterday's revelation - that Hillary gets 48 percent against Ron Paul, including 48 percent among those who know who Ron Paul is, and 48 percent against those who don't know who he is - is worth more attention.
The middle number probably ought to concern Hillary backers the most. Ron Paul doesn't have the highest name recognition. Among those who do recognize him, they probably have some idea of his, uh, eclectic collection of views: get out of Iraq, withdraw troops from Afghanistan, abolish the Federal Reserve, legalize narcotics, issue letters of marque and reprisal for al-Qaeda, repealing the 17th Amendment allowing for direct election of Senators, eliminate the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, FEMA, DHS, withdrawing from the United Nations, and "ending the legal monopoly of the U.S. Postal Service on first class mail delivery"......and she still can't break 50 percent against that?"
Those who are against her--are really against her.
It will be tougher for her in the general election than many think.