Tigers sweep the Angels over the weekend, winning yesterday 5-1 to cap it. The Tigers' rookies play well. For the most part, they get good pitching. Yesterday's key stat was this: Justin Verlander at one point retires 23 batters in a row. That's our ace...
But the Rangers sweep their weekend series too, capping it yesterday with a 3-1 win in 11 innings. Partly the key stat over the weekend was Seattle's anemic offense--they scored only 4 runs in 3 games. But the Rangers' pitching is improved; their staff ERA right now is top 5 in the league, at 3.48.
Arizona, illegal immigration, and the coming backlash against the left:
Ralph Peters has it about right today:
" American and European leftists share the conviction that the immigrant, legal or illegal, is always right -- and the native-born citizen's always wrong. This bigotry toward the law-abiding American, Brit, Frenchman or Italian doesn't help the immigrant in the end. Instead, it's a powerful engine driving divisiveness...the left's blame-game is identical: Anyone who doesn't elevate the "rights" of the immigrant over the rights, safety and desires of the citizen is a bigot. No exceptions. Could there be a formula better designed to excite anti-immigrant sentiment?"
In the latest polling news, first we go to Pennsylvania, where recent polling for the Democratic senatorial primary between Sestak and Specter reminds us of something: Arlen Specter might not even be the Democratic nominee for the senate.