Blue Jays 3, Rangers 1: the Rangers got an excellent start from pitcher C.J. Wilson. They'll need him. But they're not hitting yet as a team, and that's why they're 1-2 so far, scoring only 10 runs in 3 games.
But the Tigers are 2-1 on the young season, as Detroit beat Kansas City, 7-3. Keys--what else? Dontrelle Willis pitches 5 innings and only walks 2 and gives up 2 runs. Maybe he's over his social anxiety disorder at last. Everyone's pulling for him. And as it will likely be often this season, the Tigers needed Miguel Cabrera to come through for them and he did, going 4 for 5 with 4 RBIs.
Anti-abortion Democrat Bart Stupak, whose district encompasses the entire Upper Peninsula of Michigan and part of the upper lower peninsula, will retire. Another chance for a Republican pickup this fall; it's a district where, as long as the GOP works hard, it can win. Go after it, GOP!
And there's more bad news for Democrats today from the polling world:
"Americans' favorable rating of the Democratic Party dropped to 41% in a late March USA Today/Gallup poll, the lowest point in the 18-year history of this measure. Favorable impressions of the Republican Party are now at 42%, thus closing the gap between the two parties' images that has prevailed for the past four years."
In addition, the latest Fox News Poll now can be added to the list of polls that have found the Republicans leading the 2010 generic congressional ballot.
And it still looks like Democratic Senator Patty Murray of Washington faces a very tough race this year.
Barack Obama is proving to be the Republican Party's best friend.
Meanwhile, did you know that our friend to the north, Canada, is enforcing Canadian-correctness-of-the-political variety to such an extent that they seem to be massively violating free speech? For example:
"...since becoming a beacon of “restraint” and “civility,” Canada now prosecutes jokes. The British Columbia “Human Rights” Tribunal, under the same commissar who presided over a lengthy analysis of the “tone” of my own jokes, is currently trying stand-up comedian Guy Earle for his allegedly “homophobic” put-down of a heckler. Mr. Earle isn’t a right-wing hater like me and Miss Coulter. Until he fell afoul of his Sapphic heckler, he appears to have held conventionally Trudeaupian views. Left to his own devices, he would be more likely to essay an anti-Bush gag than one of Miss Coulter’s camel jests. But he’s wound up in court anyway, having lost three years of his life and facing $20,000 in punitive damages for a remark he made in the course of a stage act for which he received a $50 bar tab. The B.C. Supreme Court advised the tribunal against proceeding with their show trial on the grounds that it was not clear they had jurisdiction. So the tribunal went ahead anyway. Susan Cole’s Canada doesn’t “work” for Guy Earle. In fact, it’s destroyed him. “You better hope and pray that you aren’t next,” he writes. “And yet no one cares.”
I care. That's outrageous. And I hope more people care, real soon.