Not the only reason--but one.
Think about it: polls of Democrats consistently show solid majorities saying Hillary need not get out of the race.
CNN and other cable news networks have done well in the ratings with all of their political shows covering the primary race.
Polls in Pennsylvania showed that even significant numbers of Hillary voters believed that, in the end, Obama would win. Yet they voted for Senator Clinton anyway, and she won the state.
What's up? I suggest: significant numbers of Democrats are, quite simply, enjoying this contest. They don't want it to end. And apparently they aren't swayed by those in the chattering classes (read: the news media) who warn that an extended race and all the negativity growing between Obama and Clinton will hurt Democrats' chances to win in November. I'm sure the Democratic base has heard the argument. But they don't seem persuaded by it.
Actually, the chatterers in the Beltway often are wrong, but this time they may have a point. The Democratic race has gotten negative, it's not helping to improve the image of either Clinton or Obama, and many have noted over the past weeks that John McCain has gained in the national polls vs both Obama and Clinton. So the Beltway pundits have a point. But the majority of Democrats don't seem to care.
So Democrats are enjoying it. And hey, if they want it to continue, let it continue...