Clinton campaign insiders confirm that when campaign advisers gathered at headquarters last week to preview a television commercial called "Free Fall" this is the scene that unfolded, as first reported in today's Wall Street Journal:
"Your ad doesn't work," Penn said to ad maker Mandy Grunwald.
Grunwald fired back that the problem was maybe his message, not the ad.
The clash got so heated that political director Guy Cecil left the room, saying, "I'm out of here." the Wall Street Journal reported this morning.
Clinton campaign insiders tell ABC News the shouting match happened as reported, and while this was an extraordinarily heated exchange, it's not uncommon for Penn and Grunwald to bicker.
"They're constantly at each other's throats," said one campaign source.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Conservatives active in the 1990s...
...gotta love it. Troubles in Hillaryland: