She's got ads running nationally right now.
But what's important here is not just the horse-race/strategy aspect of it.
Remember that candidate advertising usually contains some kind of idea or principle behind it (even negative ads--though that's a topic for another time).
Take Senator Clinton's new ad: "In one that made its debut on Wednesday, Mrs. Clinton, whose campaign has been sparring with Mr. Obama all week, instead trains her fire on the current administration, with the words “Bush did nothing” streaming across a white screen at one point, a reference to what she characterizes as unheeded warnings of a foreclosure crisis."
This is very typical Democratic Party politics and thinking. It goes back to Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal, to Harry Truman and the Fair Deal, to Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society. It always suggests that Republicans and conservatives are "do nothing" types. It calls for an activist government that will inevitably spend a lot more money. Hillary Clinton really is running, in many ways, as a traditional, Rooseveltian Democrat. We'll see how she does; conservatives will have to continue to point out the problems behind that kind of thinking (high taxes, runaway spending, likely inflation, etc.)