Saturday, July 21, 2007
Just a reminder
From a column published several weeks ago by Peter Wehner--what were Democrats saying not all that long ago about withdrawing from Iraq? Speaking at the National Press Club in 2005, now-Majority Leader Harry Reid said this:"As far as setting a timeline, as we learned in the Balkans, that's not a wise decision, because it only empowers those who don't want us there, and it doesn't work well to do that."Six months later, the now-Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden, put it this way:"A deadline for pulling out ... will only encourage our enemies to wait us out." He added it would be "a Lebanon in 1985 [sic]. And God knows where it goes from there."And three months later, the junior Senator from New York, Hillary Rodham Clinton, said this: "I don't believe it's smart to set a date for withdrawal. I don't think you should ever telegraph your intentions to the enemy so they can await you." (emphasis added)